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How Safe is Canada for International Students in 2024

How safe is Canada for international students

If you want to pursue your Bachelor or Master’s from foreign country like Canada, you might have thought in your mind about how safe is Canada for international students.

According to the Statista Report (2022),

Canada stands out as having the highest proportion of international students compared to their entire higher education population with nearly 30% of students are international. 

Canada secures the 11th position as one of the top safest countries for international students, and it ranks 13th in terms of happiness. The Global Peace Index (GPI) for Canada stands at 1.350.

With a Top notch education system, welcoming communities and other social benefits. Canada consistently ranks as a top choice for international students.

In this blog, How Safe is Canada for International Students – We will discuss why Canada is safe for you and what things you should keep in mind when you’re in Canada.

So, Let’s get Started!

Students Safety in Canada

Canada always prioritizes safety for international students. It’s important to know your rights, use available resources, and follow safe practices in Canada. 

By doing so, you can ensure a positive and productive experience while you study.

  • Work and Study Safety in Canada
  • Transportation Safety in Canada
  • Walking Safety in Canada
  • Apartment Safety in Canada
  • Public Safety in Canada While Drinking And Parties

Work and Study Safety in Canada

Most colleges and Universities in Canada are known for being safe, welcoming, and diverse for all students. They have a dedicated security department. 

It is important to know what services are available, their contact information, and how to report any suspicious activity.

In Case of emergency Dialing 911 is the best choice for you. This number connects you to the authorities for police, fire, and ambulance services across Canada

Always Remember, whether it’s a big crisis or a small one, it’s important to report any emergency to the authorities.

Transportation Safety in Canada

If you’re coming to Canada, you need to ensure that the transportation we use is safe and reliable. 

Taxis are a great option because they use a meter, so you won’t be charged extra. 

You can also consider buses, which are generally safe, but they can get crowded, especially late at night.

Walking Safety in Canada

College and University have safety escorts and transportation services available for students traveling around the campus. 

Always take advantage of these initiatives to feel secure, especially at night.

Apartment Safety in Canada

Research neighborhoods before committing to an apartment. Choose areas with a good reputation. 

Consider using all the safety precautions, like locking the doors and windows properly. Don’t allow unknown individuals at your building, living close to campus or using public transportation. 

Public Safety in Canada

Drinking alcohol in public places such as parks, benches, or streets is against the law. To buy alcohol or enter bars, you have to keep identification cards or passports.

Drugs are banned in Canada. If an international student is caught with drugs, they will be deported immediately. 

Also Read: Easiest ways to get PR in Canada

Tips for Student Safety in Canada

These are the safety tips you should consider as precaution in Canada:

1. Emergency? Dial 911: In case of any emergency, 911 is your go-to helpline number across the Canada. It will connect you with the necessary support services of police, fire, and ambulance.

2. Stick to Familiar Routes: If you’re new to Canada, always use familiar routes for walking or transportation and avoid exploring new paths. This will help you to not get lost.

3. Stay Connected with Loved Ones: Always keep in touch with your friends and family. Regularly share your experience and talk with them. This will boost your confidence and ask for support when needed.

4. Stay Alert and Aware: Being aware of your surroundings is key to staying safe. Always stay focused and alert wherever you go.

5. Keep Personal Info Private: Do not share your personal information to anyone or unknown person, website, and place. Especially on the internet or social media.

6. Know Your Boundaries: Know your limits, especially when it comes to social activities like drinking or partying if you don’t want to be deported from the Canada. 

7. Stay Focused on Your Goals: When you are away from your family, there is a high chance of getting distracted from your goals. Always stay focused and avoid unnecessary partying, enjoying freedom, clubbing, and drinking.

Wrapping up!

As we discussed earlier, Canada is considered one of the safest and most livable countries in the world. You shouldn’t worry about safety while studying or working here.

As an international student and someone new to the country, it’s important to familiarize yourself with Canada’s rules, regulations, and safety guidelines.

I hope this article helps you understand what to keep in mind when coming to Canada or any other place where you plan to study.

FAQs: How Safe is Canada for International Students

Which is the safest province in Canada?

While crime rates can fluctuate over time, statistics generally suggest that Quebec is considered the safest province in Canada, cities like Lévis, Quebec City, and Blainville boasting impressive safety records. It consistently ranks low in national crime severity indexes.

What is the safest city in Canada?

Cities like Ottawa, Toronto, and Quebec City are often ranked among the safest due to their low crime rates and robust public safety measures.

Is Toronto or Vancouver Safer?

Based on recent crime data, Toronto appears to be the safer city compared to Vancouver.

Where has the lowest crime rate in Canada?

Based on crime severity indexes, Quebec generally has the lowest crime rate in Canada. Cities like Sherbrooke, Lévis, and Quebec City consistently rank high in safety.

What is the least safest province in Canada?

Manitoba and Saskatchewan are consistently ranked high on the Crime Severity Index, with higher rates of violent crime, assault, robbery, and homicide compared to the national average.

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